Feasibility Video

DE LA GARZA ARCHIECTURE LLC conducts Feasibility Studies to determine what might be possible and test that against the benefits.  Feasibility studies provide the client with both the architectural vision of what could be and a clear framework of how to achieve it.

Reasons to do a feasibility study


Will the idea work?


Should you proceed with it?


What are the important issues, considerations, and challenges of the project?

Often, the goals of our clients are defined but the undertaking itself is not clearly defined.  A Feasibility Study allows an investigation at many levels to determine what might be possible and test that against the benefits.

These projects require design vision, project management and experience with codes, engineering and construction.  DE LA GARZA ARCHITECTURE LLC will develop architectural plans and use 3-D modeling, scheduling and graphic software to clarify and organize the project goals while leading a team of expert consultants.  Our studies provide the client with both the architectural vision of what could be and a clear framework of how to achieve it.